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Bathroom Remodeling
Ajax, Ontario, L1S 3Y1

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Durham Region's Leading Bathroom Renovation/Installation Experts

Contact Information

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Phone Number
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31 Barr Rd
Ajax, Ontario, L1S 3Y1

Company Details

Hours of Operation
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Sunday - Closed (Appointments are available upon request)
The information on this website is designed and targeted for the renovation customer that wishes to have their bathroom renovated professionally so that they can make an informed decision on how to choose the proper renovator for their project.


1) Not hiring the right company/person for the project

2) Not allowing the proper time frame required to complete the project to meet your expectations

3) Not having a realistic budget for your project and then hiring a company/person that will do your project for that budget.

4) Buying your product at a big box store or a retail plumbing store that do not actually do the work and then hiring someone else to do the work.

5) Do not make cash deals to save on HST - you have no paper work, no warranty and no recourse.

6) Be wary if someone can start your project right away. Real pros are busy and in great demand. Booking your project and their time may have a normal time frame of 8 - 12 weeks.

Any or all of the above are recipe for a disaster waiting to happen.


There is nothing on this website that is more valuable to you than these tips listed below for a peace of mind renovation.

1) Start with a realistic budget for your project and discuss it with your renovation expert. He/she more than anyone else will know if your budget will meet your expectations.

2) Hire a bathroom renovation specialist. Your bathroom is one of the most complex rooms in the house. You want to hire someone that strictly specilizes in bathrooms and is familiar with all of it's challenges.

3) Your renovation specialist should have a showroom, supply you the product and do the actual work. This does not mean purchasing product at a retail store and then having them refer you to some of their contractor clients to do the work. You do not want to get stuck in the middle - not a good position for you.

4) Make sure that your renovator has Workman's Comp and Liability Insurance. Workman's Comp is the single most largest cost in this industry and by law everyone must have it. Everyone will tell you that they have it, but the hard truth is that most do not. Ask to see their insurance policy and their clearance certificate. You can also call WSIB yourself to confirm if in fact your renovator is covered and current. They're more than happy to hear from you.

5) References - Most people by now know that you should get at least 3 references. But this is not ENOUGH. Not only should you get references - BUT MAKE THE EFFORT TO GO AND SEE THE WORK! This is probably the most important step in the process of hiring your renovator. Why? Because even though your friend/neigbour highly recommends XYZ company, their expectations and their acceptance of the qaulity of workmanship may not be up to your standards. This step alone could save you from having a renovation gone bad.

I am often asked "What is the most important part of the renovation process and where do I start?" Hands down - more important than the quality of fixutres that you choose, more important than the price for the project is THE BATHROOM RENOVATOR FOR YOUR PROJECT!

I can assure you that if you follow the above steps, you will in fact have a peace of mind renovation and a bathroom that will meet your expectations.

About Superior

Why is Superior Bath Durham's leading bathroom renovation Company? Because we are specialists in renovating bathrooms. We do not build decks one day, install a roof the next day or build a fence some other day. We only build bathrooms and are extremely good at it. Read our testimonial page and see what our clients have to say about us. We offer a full one-stop supply & install service, renovating bathrooms from inception to completion. We supply, we design, we install. No extras.


Benefits Of Choosing Superior Bath Reno:


• We have our own crews to do the work - no subcontracting


• Peace of mind Full Supply & Install Service - we do not leave your project until complete.


• 2 Year Installation Warranty


• Full Liability Insurance and Workman's Comp - No Client Risk


Meet Us:

 Joe Beninato - President and Co-Founder


Joe has been in the home renovation industry all of his working life.  Joe has been involved in all areas of the plumbing and building industry including the wholesale, retail and manufacturing sectors, and now a renowned bathroom/kitchen renovation expert. He personally gets involved in all of the ongoing renovation projects. His keen eye for detail and personal hands-on project management ensures a quality and successful completion to the project.

With partners and co-founders  Sam Martin and Shelley Webb they lead a team of 4 master renovation crews that work exclusivley for Superior Bath. Each crew is assigned their own projects and do not leave until the job is complete.

Joe can also be hired as your personal project manager. Should you have your own contractor, Joe is also available to help you design your bathroom and aid you in choosing product selection and manage your renovation on your behalf.